The BEST of ANTONY so far...

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Antony’s Magic at Real Betis! ✨ Watch his best dribbles, assists, and stunning goals since joining Betis. Is he the next big star in LALIGA?

Пікірлер: 479
@Simzy.s 2 күн бұрын
Bro has only played 5 league matches and already got highlights mixtape from La Liga official channel. GOAT stuff 🐐
@IbrahimKatuma Күн бұрын
Laliga is cashing on the Antony effect, which started as a joke, am so happy for Antony 🎉
@SSSssseko 21 сағат бұрын
@@IbrahimKatuma totally x2 , a player that feels the pitch at every game in his veins
@rgb7143 20 сағат бұрын
@@SSSssseko How is that even physically and biologically possible ?
@xplaneaviator737 18 сағат бұрын
@@rgb7143 metaphor
@ComedyMatrixTV 17 сағат бұрын
@@rgb7143 It’s not about biology, it’s about passion. When Antony steps on the pitch, it’s like his heartbeat syncs with the rhythm of the match. If you’ve never felt that kind of passion, you won’t understand. No need for a biology lesson, just football magic.
@cvox607 2 күн бұрын
Memes aside , a good comeback story always warms the heart Cheers for Antony, may he always remain the Goat 🐐🐐
@vickychidrala5618 2 күн бұрын
@fifamobileprocreatorsub 2 күн бұрын
theres no memes, hes the actual goat
@hengwalojishing285 Күн бұрын
What meme
@a.p5193 Күн бұрын
@BerggoldMusic Күн бұрын
Antonyyy clasifica al betis para champions en 4 lugar, gana la conference League, la temporada que viene el United lo cede con opción de compra obligatoria de 80Millones y el betis acepta el traspaso mas grande de su historia y te diré porque... Antony llegara a la final de champions, ganara la liga con isco mejor jugador de la temporada, la copa del rey también la ganara y Antony se llevara el ballon de oro el the best, y después el mundial. y se retirara en el betis y será bético hasta la muerte!
@sasmitvaidya Күн бұрын
1) Creates Chances 2) Provides Assists 3) Scores goals 4) Wins penalty 5) Tracks back and defends Its so good to see him make a comeback
@ThePR007 2 күн бұрын
Laliga making videos on Antony , truly remarkable!
@ikarusxv 2 күн бұрын
He's generating views for the channel. Last Betis video got almost 10M views.
@BerggoldMusic Күн бұрын
Antonyyy clasifica al betis para champions en 4 lugar, gana la conference League, la temporada que viene el United lo cede con opción de compra obligatoria de 80Millones y el betis acepta el traspaso mas grande de su historia y te diré porque... Antony llegara a la final de champions, ganara la liga con isco mejor jugador de la temporada, la copa del rey también la ganara y Antony se llevara el ballon de oro el the best, y después el mundial. y se retirara en el betis y será bético hasta la muerte!
@J040PL7 10 сағат бұрын
hes the reason i watch any other team outside real madrid and barcelona in la liga 😅
@BerggoldMusic 6 сағат бұрын
@hariharan6373 2 күн бұрын
He deserves this respect
@mikkotrades7686 2 күн бұрын
Antony is the face of Laliga and you can't change mind.
@ogyazlin79 Күн бұрын
@@mikkotrades7686 it's all about the big three until the goat arrived 🗿🗿🗿
@manuaibar8873 16 сағат бұрын
in 4:31 face🤨
@Antonythegoat-21 2 күн бұрын
Antony is definitely in his prime 2008 without a doubt the goat 🐐
@syeduroojkamal4986 2 күн бұрын
chills down the spine
@ritizdutta9724 Күн бұрын
Antony is goated that La liga has to make a separate segment for him 🐐
@MaxHerrero-iy61h52 2 күн бұрын
The goat for a reason
@anti_hero_official 2 күн бұрын
The man, the myth, the legend, the GOAT - Anthony 🐐
@alvaro_509 2 күн бұрын
ojala antony se quede en la liga y haga historia
@BerggoldMusic Күн бұрын
Antonyyy clasifica al betis para champions en 4 lugar, gana la conference League, la temporada que viene el United lo cede con opción de compra obligatoria de 80Millones y el betis acepta el traspaso mas grande de su historia y te diré porque... Antony llegara a la final de champions, ganara la liga con isco mejor jugador de la temporada, la copa del rey también la ganara y Antony se llevara el ballon de oro el the best, y después el mundial. y se retirara en el betis y será bético hasta la muerte!
Las cabras: Antony y Isco 💚🤍🐐​@@BerggoldMusic
@alvaro_509 Күн бұрын
@ dime lo q fumas y a lo mejor con eso supero a mi ex
@Dvklt 16 сағат бұрын
@@BerggoldMusici confirm, I’m from the future he’s going to finish career with ballon d’or and wc 🗿🐐
@BerggoldMusic 6 сағат бұрын
@ que es lo que fumo? chaval déjate de promover el fumeteo, que te vas a quedar en los huesos hazte caso cacerola!, no quiero tocar heridas del pasado pero tu ex puede que este mejor sin ti, si te vas dedicando a cambiar el tema ANTONY PRIME BETIS, por hablar de donde compro un producto del cual no tengo ni la mas mínima idea de cual es, puede ser el TÉ dE cúrcuma y hierba buena a las 5AM, el estudio, el deporte, el capital, las influencia,? tu quieres viajar sin ver... yo viajo viendo!
@jayangshude Күн бұрын
6:54 it's so good to see the fans cheering Antony up even after a miss..... Really a comeback it is
@lasadie1321 Күн бұрын
Yeah, and its soo good seeing that.. That would make a player more motivated i believe it.. 😍😍
@ericschuster2680 2 күн бұрын
@AdaIsSoGood 2 күн бұрын
A video dedicated to antony. Freaking antony 2025 is the year of the goat
@BerggoldMusic Күн бұрын
Antonyyy clasifica al betis para champions en 4 lugar, gana la conference League, la temporada que viene el United lo cede con opción de compra obligatoria de 80Millones y el betis acepta el traspaso mas grande de su historia y te diré porque... Antony llegara a la final de champions, ganara la liga con isco mejor jugador de la temporada, la copa del rey también la ganara y Antony se llevara el ballon de oro el the best, y después el mundial. y se retirara en el betis y será bético hasta la muerte!
@b326yr 16 сағат бұрын
​@@BerggoldMusicLol, be careful
@Froggey29292 7 сағат бұрын
@@b326yrthey beat Madrid. Cmon now it’s possible.
@b326yr 6 сағат бұрын
@@Froggey29292 alright, hold this space.
@BerggoldMusic 6 сағат бұрын
@ why I Should be careful? I just gave my most frank predictions of what can happen to Antony at Betis, Antony wants Laliga next season with ISCO DONT FORGET THAT
@sportic12 2 күн бұрын
Antony has just empowered laliga so much 😅❤
@nitinvenkatkrishna6452 2 күн бұрын
If I'd ever have a kid, I'm gonna name him ANTONY 🐐
@nobleman-arts 2 күн бұрын
Anthony is really the GOAT
@aizenval07 2 күн бұрын
I really feel very good watching Antony being happy
@lambeefbiryani08 2 күн бұрын
The immense aura of GOAT Antony 🐐
@PranavKraken 2 күн бұрын
Laliga been making some real money with antony highlights
@the3stumbleteers870 2 күн бұрын
they actually made an 8 minute video of bro alrdy 💀 goated fr
@narendrarai2783 2 күн бұрын
The🐐of this gen'
@Hhh-j4b 2 күн бұрын
All hail Anthony 🙌
@firexgamerz7497 2 күн бұрын
2008 Antony is back 💀
@adhinathp.j4662 2 күн бұрын
The "so far....", feels almost like a threat
@Gt_stickman1122 2 күн бұрын
Antony is cooking now ever since he left Manchester united
@firexgamerz7497 2 күн бұрын
Bro turning meme into reality 🐂
@abdulwazed535 2 күн бұрын
@helixopgg 2 күн бұрын
he was never a meme..people were throwing predictions that he's gonna destroy laliga..see the results now
@LOYDUP_ZERO 2 күн бұрын
@@helixopgg he was a meme, they called him the goat and stuff at Manchester United to taunt him for his bad performance there before anybody knew of a loan to the la liga.
@helixopgg Күн бұрын
@LOYDUP_ZERO its sarcasm...thou he was a goated player in ajax..and now playing amazing in betis
@IndoTekkenSulteng 2 күн бұрын
if antony stays n they got someone like nunez. its over for laliga
@michaelshycal2060 Күн бұрын
Who all came to La Liga match highlight and clips because of Goat Antony?🙋‍♂️
@kreitous Күн бұрын
Even Messi would be a 9/10 player at United !
@Froggey29292 7 сағат бұрын
@@kreitous? He’s be a 9/10 everywhere what are you talking about.
@emiliomiguiniz9519 2 күн бұрын
🐐 si Anthony opina, estoy de acuerdo. si Anthony habla, le escucho. si Anthony falla, le perdono. si Anthony piensa, le avalo. si Anthony tiene 100 fans, yo soy uno. si Anthony tiene 1 fan, yo soy ese fan. si Anthony no tiene fans, yo no existo.
@narydadalto 2 күн бұрын
@@emiliomiguiniz9519 hahahahahhaa
@marckcf9600 2 күн бұрын
Antony* bro no ofendas a la cabra 🐐
@Dexteriityx 18 сағат бұрын
@waybe-gg1nb 2 күн бұрын
Goat since 2008 🐐
@gamingwithzk3434 2 күн бұрын
the goat effect🐐🐐 he is going to complete recordd vammos ✨✨✨
@adebisiakinloluwa 2 күн бұрын
The Goat!!!!
@IQEHHE 2 күн бұрын
@dhyanpatel9249 2 күн бұрын
Ultimate goat 🐐
@Rahul_Rao_001 17 сағат бұрын
Man I absolutely love it see him happy tbh he deserves it.
@anti_hero_official 2 күн бұрын
From meme to a great player 👏👏👏
@NRlegendgaming 2 күн бұрын
The goat anthony
@Lazaro_Maltan 2 күн бұрын
This guy made the memes like *prime antony* turn into reality 💯..respect 🫡
@boyrouters 12 сағат бұрын
pemain seperti antony bagus buat menaikkan rating laliga. terbukti..kalian bisa cek setiap video antony lalu bandingkan dengan video lain di chanel ini. jelas sekali secara views berbeda jauh.. highlight pertandingan real betis sejak ada antony penontonnya meningkat tajam bahkan mengalahkan video2 legend seperti ronaldonho dll. jadi ini adalah win win solutions.. antony bangkit, laliga memanfaatkannya.. god job
@teacha7528 Күн бұрын
Everything he has touched so far has turned into gold.❤❤❤❤❤❤
@akprinters6835 2 күн бұрын
@reptilianbenni 2 күн бұрын
@AMDjozef-p6b Күн бұрын
Antony going back to his prime confirmed , Man Utd was definetly the problem also with Rashford.
@brunnoclebson6596 2 күн бұрын
Antony ❤❤❤
@BerggoldMusic Күн бұрын
Antonyyy clasifica al betis para champions en 4 lugar, gana la conference League, la temporada que viene el United lo cede con opción de compra obligatoria de 80Millones y el betis acepta el traspaso mas grande de su historia y te diré porque... Antony llegara a la final de champions, ganara la liga con isco mejor jugador de la temporada, la copa del rey también la ganara y Antony se llevara el ballon de oro el the best, y después el mundial. y se retirara en el betis y será bético hasta la muerte!
@kenmasters1803 2 күн бұрын
The goat is lifting the conference league trophy
@LordHellRaiserr 2 күн бұрын
FIFA = Football is for Antony
@akhoakhoo 2 күн бұрын
Daang fr
@angelcanales8060 2 күн бұрын
The GOAT is back
@user-df1xb6vg3n-x6x 2 күн бұрын
No lleva ni un mes y ya lo ama la liga EA SPORTS Simplemente Antony 🐐
@Dex.707 2 күн бұрын
The 🐐
@Lazaro_Maltan 2 күн бұрын
Antony goat button 💚 👇🏼
@Wandile_StudioBeing Күн бұрын
Glad Antony is back on form. also glad to see Isco back showing levels. My favorite technical player.
@Sungline 2 күн бұрын
The GOAT 🐐
@sai._.ganesh 2 күн бұрын
Antony has more la liga goals than Messi and Ronaldo combined this season🔥
@BerggoldMusic Күн бұрын
Antonyyy clasifica al betis para champions en 4 lugar, gana la conference League, la temporada que viene el United lo cede con opción de compra obligatoria de 80Millones y el betis acepta el traspaso mas grande de su historia y te diré porque... Antony llegara a la final de champions, ganara la liga con isco mejor jugador de la temporada, la copa del rey también la ganara y Antony se llevara el ballon de oro el the best, y después el mundial. y se retirara en el betis y será bético hasta la muerte!
@agggg3809 2 күн бұрын
Goat antoni
@iitzshobby6981 2 күн бұрын
The aura of antony is in another level even laliga ia posting his highlights 😂
@sillycar69 11 сағат бұрын
we went from absolutely mocking antony to legitimately calling him a goat. the comeback is crazy
@borjandes2 2 күн бұрын
Antony yes un fiera
@BerggoldMusic Күн бұрын
Antonyyy clasifica al betis para champions en 4 lugar, gana la conference League, la temporada que viene el United lo cede con opción de compra obligatoria de 80Millones y el betis acepta el traspaso mas grande de su historia y te diré porque... Antony llegara a la final de champions, ganara la liga con isco mejor jugador de la temporada, la copa del rey también la ganara y Antony se llevara el ballon de oro el the best, y después el mundial. y se retirara en el betis y será bético hasta la muerte!
@ereimul1444 20 сағат бұрын
only GOAT managed to do this. Few games and a tribute. Im watching Real Betis games since the GOAT arrived.
@Lukpogamlin Күн бұрын
Iam frm India ,northeast arunachal pradesh and I think goat effect is wat I will be studying 🐐🐐🐐🐐
@GenesLamp 21 сағат бұрын
my guy finally broke free from the man u prison 😭
@veritasaequitas2386 2 күн бұрын
este es el hombre
@darpankumar2638 2 күн бұрын
Antony is a great talent he just need great guidance ❤🎉keep growing man
@BerggoldMusic Күн бұрын
Antonyyy clasifica al betis para champions en 4 lugar, gana la conference League, la temporada que viene el United lo cede con opción de compra obligatoria de 80Millones y el betis acepta el traspaso mas grande de su historia y te diré porque... Antony llegara a la final de champions, ganara la liga con isco mejor jugador de la temporada, la copa del rey también la ganara y Antony se llevara el ballon de oro el the best, y después el mundial. y se retirara en el betis y será bético hasta la muerte!
@2sid 19 сағат бұрын
🐐 antony ❤❤❤
@Utube237 2 күн бұрын
From being a meme to turning the memes into reality.
@o.p_reacts 19 сағат бұрын
The goat simply doing goat things
@Gamingtomytoff 20 сағат бұрын
Antony goaat🐐🐐🐐🐐
@SheemantaMochahary Күн бұрын
Now GOAT is smiling ❤ feeling very happy for him
@septea7032 21 сағат бұрын
This shows how tough is English Football compare to other League Oh we talk about antony he is good player very good If I was him I will never go back to Waste downfall club I'm a Man utd fans by the way
@Bennukuttan 2 күн бұрын
Real 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐
@Code_mood Күн бұрын
You know he's the goat if even Laliga is posting highlights for the goat after just 5 matches. Truly the real goat 🐐🐐🐐.
@xrichalex1791 Күн бұрын
Que Maravilla! Parece que viene de otra serie este muchacho. Esto borra lo mal que el Man. Untd. lo hizo pasar. Contento por ti muchacho.
@Roman-ud5ph Күн бұрын
From watching Messi and Ronaldo highlights, to now watching Antony highlights. Goat 🐐momentum
@blazeyt6732 13 сағат бұрын
Thus dude actually made one of the best comebacks of football history People used to clown on him joking about his 2008 prime, but man united limited his abilities and was kind of a prison for players with potential, which i feel bad because i am a fan of man united ): But now he has literally scored amazing outside the box goals and provided many assists for isco and other players This dude is really the GOAT🐐
@jacobforco 2 сағат бұрын
From Ajax days i thought this guy was good and when he went untied my mind didn't change, good to see that he found a good fit for him at betis deserves this for all the hate he put up with
@jeffersonlu7305 7 сағат бұрын
He just joined and is getting highlights posted by LaLiga. Truly infinite aura
@Professional_Hater_1 18 сағат бұрын
Happy to see him shine✊
@shilpigupta1845 18 сағат бұрын
bro showed the problem was Manchester United 🎉 goat 🐐 Antony ❤❤
@JojoKasian 17 сағат бұрын
So goated that he got a video before the sesson even ends 🐐🇧🇷🔥
@l-l-l-l-l-l-l 2 күн бұрын
Dude hasn't even played for 10 matches and we already got a 8 minutes highlight of him. Simply the GOAT of La Liga.
@rocks7777 Күн бұрын
no 7 ✅ winger ✅ speaks portuguese ✅ signed from united ✅ plays for a real team in la liga ✅ "dos santos" in his name ✅ mr aura ✅
@allinonemkfas7898 2 күн бұрын
antonino,my goat 🫡🐐
@eveidarodriguez6078 16 сағат бұрын
El Goat y no veo lloros 😢🤫🐐
@ItzGuavs Күн бұрын
this is just the beginning antony is going to become a star, hopefully
@Tony_CTB 17 сағат бұрын
If the word "aura" was a person... 😮‍💨🐐⚽🔥
@Juan-d5t5z 2 күн бұрын
Los niños pagan la entrada para ver a Mbappe,los hombres para disfrutar de Antony
@BerggoldMusic Күн бұрын
Antonyyy clasifica al betis para champions en 4 lugar, gana la conference League, la temporada que viene el United lo cede con opción de compra obligatoria de 80Millones y el betis acepta el traspaso mas grande de su historia y te diré porque... Antony llegara a la final de champions, ganara la liga con isco mejor jugador de la temporada, la copa del rey también la ganara y Antony se llevara el ballon de oro el the best, y después el mundial. y se retirara en el betis y será bético hasta la muerte!
@alexanderbaezz101 Күн бұрын
El goat está representado la liga, que se quede en la liga a competir con los más grandes. ❤❤
@sizanurrahmansiam180 2 күн бұрын
🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐 ANTONY❤❤❤
@ScorerTV-2024 2 күн бұрын
Real Betis is a good club for Antony. He will have a good future here. Good job, GOAT. ⚽🥅🥇🏆
@kholi8644 15 сағат бұрын
It's Antony world and we're just living in it 💀
@striker2007 Күн бұрын
So happy that finally after all this troll he is proving them wrong enjoying his life in spain🎉
@BerggoldMusic Күн бұрын
Antonyyy clasifica al betis para champions en 4 lugar, gana la conference League, la temporada que viene el United lo cede con opción de compra obligatoria de 80Millones y el betis acepta el traspaso mas grande de su historia y te diré porque... Antony llegara a la final de champions, ganara la liga con isco mejor jugador de la temporada, la copa del rey también la ganara y Antony se llevara el ballon de oro el the best, y después el mundial. y se retirara en el betis y será bético hasta la muerte!
@RH-nn1pz 17 сағат бұрын
Man see another man does well in his career, man happy.
@Thomas-sir123 Күн бұрын
My Goat
@RakeshKumar-eg5lo Күн бұрын
The only no.7 after Cr7 to own la liga
@bijoy3565 22 сағат бұрын
Simply the🐐
@Lion-mo6ec 17 сағат бұрын
افضل لاعب حاليا ❤❤
@mobeenbadshah5586 Күн бұрын
Greatest of all time Antony🥶
@rayvinclinton3462 2 күн бұрын
@yoelarokeum6141 2 күн бұрын
The Goat Antony 🐐
@Aeolus_ca 14 сағат бұрын
It will be so satisfying to see him win balon d’or
Coke with Balloon experiment 🤯🧪
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