A countdown of the most incredible goals scored by superstar Kylian Mbappé! We rank his top finishes, from powerful strikes to brilliant solo efforts. Suscríbete al canal de LALIGA EA SPORTS: goo.gl/Cp0tC
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@TheDYNAMITE001Ай бұрын
Kylian Mbappé is pure talent, he will certainly go down as a Real Madrid Legend and one of the GOATs when he retires 🤩🥶
@syphexbgАй бұрын
I agreed
@YT_WinterSoldierАй бұрын
Kinda hard
@TheDYNAMITE001Ай бұрын
@ I disagree, what's hard is being the GOAT, not one of the GOATs. I mean even that's hard but Kylian definitely has the tools to make such an impact by becoming the best player of his own generation.
@e-zf1oz25 күн бұрын
@@TheDYNAMITE001 bib
@engriokoАй бұрын
mbappe is the best and will be remeber as a legend forever
@Gistme2023Ай бұрын
The greatest footballer of this generation 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 no one comes close.
@danilo9572Ай бұрын
They say that is Lamine
@sanket700Ай бұрын
@@danilo9572 gaymal
@JuniorZolАй бұрын
I love Kylian but Vini is better than him
@taiwoomowunmi8165Ай бұрын
Kylian is better than all attackers at Madrid if he is on his level nobody comes close
@d_b1playz755Ай бұрын
@@taiwoomowunmi8165 fr
@edaolaropintoyin42Ай бұрын
Just hopes he continues his form
@AxT_ed1tzАй бұрын
He is gaining his confidence back
@TheDYNAMITE001Ай бұрын
This isn't new, the slow start was new, this is the real Kylian
@rhan9717Ай бұрын
@@TheDYNAMITE001 still not how he was in 21/22. he will reach better form
@ShadowbassGamerАй бұрын
The GOAT is back. His prime is back. HE CAME BACK🔥
@ellonchasАй бұрын
The goat IS cr7
@ShadowbassGamerАй бұрын
@@ellonchas Okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@unc98445Ай бұрын
Yes, indeed. The GOAT is back.
@ellonchasАй бұрын
@ShadowbassGamer i respect your opinion
@ShadowbassGamerАй бұрын
@ Thank you, thank you :)
@Manguito_ore2012Ай бұрын
Mbappe el mejor mi niño kylian
@SardorAzimkulovАй бұрын
MBAPPE 🐢 ⚡️🇫🇷
@venom12hudАй бұрын
Better than haaland
@shaheenshad5012Ай бұрын
@@venom12hud absolutely
@venom12hud21 күн бұрын
@@SardorAzimkulov where is haaland bro? U staying humble right now,, wheres ur hat trick haaland? Shut up city fans mbappe is the goat, haaland is a turtle... boom
@DontayDawsonАй бұрын
th best in thee world kylian 🙏🏽
@nacary2002Ай бұрын
Lo amo, me muero por Mbappe....el mejor
@زهرةالنرجسوردةالجوريАй бұрын
@DavidFootballEditzАй бұрын
He has scored amazing goals at Madrid
@syphexbgАй бұрын
Something Ronaldo couldn't do In his first season
@kdollar8802Ай бұрын
No lies
@s3rgxiøАй бұрын
skibi fart
@GeorgeTooCur1ous28 күн бұрын
@@syphexbg ronaldo literally scored 33 in 35 games in his first season wdym?
@syphexbg28 күн бұрын
@@GeorgeTooCur1ous tap in and penalty etc
@carlin2235Ай бұрын
Si de esto es capaz sin estar al maximo no me quiero ni imaginar cuando alcanze un nivel supremo y eso esta por venir.
@SiddharthParlikadАй бұрын
Real Madrid fans are so fake, when he played bad they said that he is a flop, but now they are calling him a legend. I’m not a rma fan but I love mbappe and when everyone said he’s terrible I told everyone he would come back to form. Guess who’s correct now 😂
@abandonmarkspeare5213Ай бұрын
Not everyone have you said is real madrid's fans..some of them are not real fans
@dezefofficiel3449Ай бұрын
Sa F plaisir de les voir souriant Vini Jr & Mbappé 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾
@themindpromotionАй бұрын
Te amo kyky, gracias Liga por subir este video
@TerapiasNaturales-x2nАй бұрын
Mbappe es el mejor jugador del mundo
@elvevo9692Ай бұрын
@@TerapiasNaturales-x2n siempre
@MustafaKhan-yq6glАй бұрын
@walyachilz9466Ай бұрын
A goal hungry Mbappe is a nightmare for the opposition but a spectacular marvel to football fans around the globe. Super fan who's followed him from monaco to the world to madrid. Theres more to come this is only the beginning of his madrid journey. Writing him off early was a mistake and now he's popping off.
@jaimeraamАй бұрын
De esto es capaz estando a 'medio gas' y ya esta volviendo a su novel, imaginaros el dia que llegue, o incluso lo supere...
@Rife-y3dАй бұрын
Nivel escribe bien animal
@ngd46Ай бұрын
@Villas11Ай бұрын
Aún no está en su mejor versión pero seguimos confiando en que llegará y nadie estará listo para ese mbappe
@dwaynebellevilleАй бұрын
What do u mean
@milagroriosquinones-ik1yyАй бұрын
Hala madrid kilian enbape y vinicius junior y jude Bellingham los mejores jugadores del madrid y rodrigo y valverde y cortua hala madrid ❤❤❤
@t_adelaide436229 күн бұрын
Kylian mbappe ❤❤ is fire 🔥
@sonic-h3zАй бұрын
I think greatness is not consistency but falling and stepping up.
@marcelosouza7877Ай бұрын
O melhor do mundo
@GilvertRodriguezАй бұрын
Grande la tortuga espero q ganemos muchos títulos juntos ala Madrid
@salmankolakkadan4212Ай бұрын
@JosephEzikeАй бұрын
My best man is back
@TimmTurnaАй бұрын
Enjoying the video plus the music in the background!
@callmeprivate_24 күн бұрын
Respect this talent thats a former world cup winner and yall doubted him. Yall forgetting he dreamt to be here and yall think he will slip two time world cup finalists?? Come on media put more out there the way yall do for yamal because mbappe is the yamal before yamal and he got the world cup btw i gotta say that again.
@KevinOpkuАй бұрын
My love kylian ❤❤❤❤❤
@elsamariazuluaga5486Ай бұрын
Mi Mbappe el mejor me gustaría conocerlo ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤vamos Campeón 😁😁
@زهرةالنرجسوردةالجوريАй бұрын
Legend 👑 🌹
@jesusvelazquez3871Ай бұрын
Que calidad tiene MBAPE no hay duda
@CristianVela-qp5htАй бұрын
Estoy seguro que ya volvió el mejor jugador del mundo, se le nota. Es buenísimo la tortuga🤍🔥
@thecyborg120Ай бұрын
My favorite striker from France
@FocusedFootyАй бұрын
mbappe is having one of his worst seasons but he is still scoring bangers
@RonaldoxSiuАй бұрын
La liga is much harder than ligue 1, plus he's got used to it now
@eliseoargue6991Ай бұрын
Mañana otro doblete o mejor si triplete vamos Kiki vamos 💪
@borjamanuelsuarezpozueco9337Ай бұрын
Está volviendo a desatar a la bestia. No estamos preparados...
@GillesArmand-k6rАй бұрын
M bappe un vrai Bosseur 💪
@GamerSytheYTАй бұрын
@PoolastralАй бұрын
Está a 4 goles del pichichi siendo fuertemente criticado. Nose si acabará siendo el máximo goleador de la liga o no. Pero aún quedan meses para el final y ya esta a 4 goles del pichichi.
@soniarose5706Ай бұрын
de PARIS: merci pour cette vidéo🤩🤩🤩😇👍
@tresorgbini12Ай бұрын
Kyky El major jugador del Mundo
@CristianCastilloTV07Ай бұрын
1:44 en mi opinión ese fue el mejor
@Bry_72Ай бұрын
Pero quien te pregunto?
@SurreptitiousLuvАй бұрын
this would of done more views if the season is over , oh well cool video
@Ar5had07Ай бұрын
His accuracy is second to none.
@jumasebe_0018Ай бұрын
Slowly by slowly he is adapting
@lgmmusic1089Ай бұрын
The best player in the worlds
@valeriegillet473Ай бұрын
2:36 😮😮j’aime trop se buts
@nate7699928 күн бұрын
gol de Mbappé contra Manchester city del ayer 🤯
@EstifMulugeta-ob4ytАй бұрын
The best in the world ❤❤
@elvevo9692Ай бұрын
Mbappe la bestias dios🙏🙏🙏
@turihohabweherbert5760Ай бұрын
Mbappe 🙏
@vm8450Ай бұрын
He is back
@torenojewels1861Ай бұрын
Mbappe ⚡⚡
@ejfdcАй бұрын
El Goat🐐🔥
@symphony3-NАй бұрын
@charlgrafic6268Ай бұрын
@Alimusta2016Ай бұрын
Goat 🐐🐐
@stevenmbabou3169Ай бұрын
@teratogenicmusic2839Ай бұрын
Gasia helps mbappe score ❤
@nervenestАй бұрын
Man the goals are outstanding, why did Realmadrid players say he's finished
@lawpchale1036Ай бұрын
Why is no one talking about that Mbappe and Bellingham duo Special to watch
@fitrimuslimlifestyle5525Ай бұрын
M bappe ❤
@RokabrunoАй бұрын
Pero esto se hace del 10º al 1º hombre, no así. Para ir creciéndonos
@HckmanАй бұрын
El mejor
@blessmashawu6634Ай бұрын
At his very Best, absolutely No one comes close...
@torenojewels1861Ай бұрын
Facts 💯
@magisboyАй бұрын
Do Valverde this season goal...lots a long shoot goal..
@ishabarshilАй бұрын
kyky the best
@SONIC_WAVE18Ай бұрын
Y pensar que apenas va empesandi, el supuesto fracasó hará al mundo callar cuando sea la hora de la verdad
@RastamanYTАй бұрын
5 & 9 💭
@RastamanYTАй бұрын
@HussainRichadАй бұрын
Missing some goals.. specially against barca 😅
@sanket700Ай бұрын
@juicemiller8210Ай бұрын
It’s La liga goals only so you won’t see the super copa goals or any UCL goals etc
@Alimusta2016Ай бұрын
@BipinKcvlogАй бұрын
@AsgharKhan-zy3ebАй бұрын
The next 5 to 6 Champions league titles are extremely in danger.
@MINATO-777-7Ай бұрын
Este no es lugar para los fanáticos del Barcelona
@TheyriceАй бұрын
and he just scored 5 new ones in 2 games
@rupamkoleyofficial4381Ай бұрын
This is his "Flop" version by the way, imagine his prime🥶🤍🤍
@enrique27ytАй бұрын
Where is the first is one ?
@maziatsidu8488Ай бұрын
@KevinShaarawy-w3sАй бұрын
Cómo se llama ese narrador ? El que narra el primero gol ?
@danibro98Ай бұрын
@elbuhomusiclabelАй бұрын
no se por que me recuerda a van nistelrooy
@bituvlogs259912 күн бұрын
@mellymell619Ай бұрын
Killing Mbappe'💀🐒😁
@user-mg5kb9lc6n25 күн бұрын
Te falto desde “San Mamés”
@axelprogeometrycoАй бұрын
Papi real Madrid siempre te respeto también a embappe Vinicius jr Valverde camavinga Ancelotti
@BabacarDiop-n8jАй бұрын
@BabacarDiop-n8jАй бұрын
@saugatsth-2011Ай бұрын
whos here after mbappe hattrick
@josepintos9736Ай бұрын
Y los de julian
@dr.janemedicАй бұрын
He scored more today
@ThapeloMahabeniАй бұрын
@mr.d4830Ай бұрын
Not enough highlights so they included slow-mo replays of Penalties? Important goals against big clubs? What a joke.
@UchidafulАй бұрын
against Barcelona
@mr.d4830Ай бұрын
@Uchidaful hahaha 😂😂😂 and? Where is this big important goal? Ashamed of it, this channel belongs to RM? This league belongs to RM? No negative PR allowed for this anti-football team?
@MoEditz_1725Ай бұрын
You should have seen him against Barca he played like Prime Messi and he played Amazingly you’re the joke not him @mr.d4830
@Jesusyt5051Ай бұрын
@@mr.d4830 vaya personaje
@smithingtableАй бұрын
@valentinlegall2217Ай бұрын
Il va bien réussir par partir gratuit de Madrid aussi un moment... Méfiez vous 😜🤣. Ceci dit c'est un joueur qui roule pour lui.... Sa mère serait une grande fan de Liverpool en plus donc attention le Real dans quelques années ....😂
@chancc4gameАй бұрын
the 7th goal, how come it was not offside? have been bugging me for so long (I am huge mbappe fan don't get me wrong)
@denzhelambani6940Ай бұрын
he was behind the ball.
@chancc4gameАй бұрын
oooo thanks a lot for the explanation, I wasn't familiar with this rule, now I get it
@laentrenovista86Ай бұрын
¿Pero como vas a poner los mejores primero y acabar con los penalties?? mamita