Рет қаралды 26,944
Nos adentramos en las entrañas de Ipurua para conocer todos los secretos del conjunto armero de la mano de numerosas personalidades del club.
¿Cómo es el día a día en la SD Eibar? El presidente del club, Alex Aranzábal, ejerce de inmejorable ‘cicerone’ para presentarnos los rincones más emblemáticos de Ipurua y destapar los secretos de un equipo que, como él mismo asegura, es “distinto” a los demás.
Tampoco podía faltar Ángel Zapico, utilero del Eibar que llegó al club en 1969 y que ha desempeñado cargos tan dispares como el de delegado, directivo o segundo entrenador.
Asimismo, descubrimos cómo es el trabajo de la dirección deportiva y el staff técnico, conocemos el famoso ‘Txoko’ y muchísimo más. ¡No te lo pierdas!
The magic of Eibar, behind the scenes
We went deep into the bowels of Ipurua to find out all the ins and outs, in the company of numerous club personalities.
What's day-to-day life like at SD Eibar? We could not have had a better guide to answer this question than club president Alex Aranzabal, who showed us the lie of the land at Ipurua and lifted the lid on the secrets of a team that, in his words, is "different" from others.
No visit would have been complete without talking to Angel Zapico, who joined Eibar way back in 1969 and has run the gamut of roles at the club, going from match delegate to director, assistant coach and his current position as kit man. We also got the lowdown on the work of the coaching and backroom staff, as well as checking out the famous txoko, the space where the players eat and relax together when they're not training. Watch the video to see all this and much more besides!
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