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FC Barcelona draws at the Coliseum against Getafe CF in a hard-fought match in which goals from Koundé and Arambarri earn each team a point in the standings #GetafeBarça Matchday 20 LALIGA EA Sports 2024/2025.
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@LaLiga Ай бұрын
🟰 Empate entre el Getafe CF y el FC Barcelona tras los goles de Jules Koundé y Mauro Arambarri ¡Disfruta de TODOS los resúmenes de LALIGA EA SPORTS! 👉
@Simon23Vasquez Ай бұрын
Ladrones, por esos arbitrajes es que cada vez se ve menos la liga de la corrupción y mas gente ve la premier
@ramirogiovannymaganamaciel1994 Ай бұрын
@@LaLiga ni saben arbitrar partidos
@humblesmart1418 Ай бұрын
¡Qué partido tan duro!
@kounic89 Ай бұрын
Hay dos maneras de arbitrar en España: se necesita más que otros equipos para obtener una penalización, siempre esperamos hasta el minuto 80 para sacar las tarjetas amarillas que calmarán a los jugadores tóxicos. El tiempo extra siempre es más ligero cuando el Barça pierde y más tiempo cuando gana. Ni siquiera estoy hablando del VAR que solo existe cuando quiere cancelar un gol por el inexistente fuera de juego del Barça, o cuando Koundé toca un pie. De todos modos, tengo demasiados ejemplos en mente y cada vez empeora cada temporada. Lo juro, es serio. Este año es demasiado descarado. La Liga, te vemos.
@kounic89 Ай бұрын
Has robado puntos y estás buscando desestabilizar un equipo más que los demás. Este será el único campeonato donde el peor equipo de los cuatro contendientes ganará la competencia. Te vemos 👀👁
@Debnath4635 Ай бұрын
How Barca can go and win against Madrid 5-2 and look amazing then they draw to Getafe days later? can anyone explain? Its getting sad. Just checked Stake and Real Madrid is again clear favorites to win La Liga, I really want Atletico or Barca to win it so this result disappointed me
@HockeyMan666 Ай бұрын
because they only care about madrid, their players cant take another team serious, slacking and then this happens
@jjjtalon Ай бұрын
They will win the champions league just wait and see
@MardoCruz Ай бұрын
Decepcionó el partido??? El barca lo hubiera ganado pero no cobraron un penal clarisimo. Y qué significa eso??? Que la liga está apoyando a que el Realvardrid gane.
@gsgames3085 Ай бұрын
Mardo cruz cry more 😂😂
@Enima4 23 күн бұрын
​@@HockeyMan666 are you 12yo?
@vega-alfalyrae Ай бұрын
Barcelona's goal is to beat Real Madrid, the rest is just routine.
@rafliizarafansyah6258 Ай бұрын
@@vega-alfalyrae minimal juaranya jga di ikutin dung
@muhammadzainuddin6773 Ай бұрын
@@rafliizarafansyah6258 wkwkwk liyat musim ini madrid dapet yg mana
@ivanKatongole-v5r Ай бұрын
WAIT MAN​@@muhammadzainuddin6773
@Ra-mt3yn Ай бұрын
Jaja retarder. 4 - 0 5 - 2 Ezzzz
@gregoriomanzano7822 Ай бұрын
Barcelona's goal is to buy referees and get help from the government
@Th3_Wr3tch3d_1 Ай бұрын
Barcelona's lack of consistency is starting to be frustrating.
@bruhhh997 Ай бұрын
They are consistent tho, they were consistently winning at the start of the season, now im the middle of the season theyre consistently dropping points
@WAYNEMyke Ай бұрын
Nop, it shows they only play tobeat Madrid (we call it jealousy :)). The rest is what they have always be...
@NikolozChkhartishvili58 Ай бұрын
They are consistent everywhere except La liga
@fmNEO69 Ай бұрын
Best team in the world aren't they 😂 oh they are best team in Cups 😂😂
@argentos72 Ай бұрын
@@WAYNEMyke uuuhh, jealousy? You call beating a team jealousy what, they are just incosisteny in winning games, they won 5 - 2 to real and 5 - 1 to betis now they draw to getafe
@ethancoster1324 Ай бұрын
Barcelona seems to only show up for Madrid. It's like they forget that it's a multiteam tournament
@et34t34fdf Ай бұрын
@@ethancoster1324 Its small-club mentality, they think the whole season revolves around RM.
@simonhermidalago5504 Ай бұрын
@@ethancoster1324 Tf you mean its just for Madrid when they destroyed half the teams in the league? Watch some football and stop crying
@hotchocolatewithginger9143 Ай бұрын
​@@et34t34fdfbeat las palmas first then get excited!
@SamiLY55 Ай бұрын
@@et34t34fdf The small club mentality team is 2nd in the champions league and your team at ...?
@rawbird5341 Ай бұрын
Can’t show up when the referee allows the mid teams to foul and dive all the time.
@tedicuko1538 Ай бұрын
Gatafe best defence in La Liga ❌️ best hands in La Liga ✅️
@juanhernandezdiaz9456 Ай бұрын
El pase de pedri a kounde. Poesía de otro nivel!!!
@altan1295 Ай бұрын
Se ha pasado el efecto de las vitaminas
@davidlara2970 Ай бұрын
@griffiiiiiiiiith Ай бұрын
a ti todavía te duele el culo
@zaikkiaz3113 Ай бұрын
Sí, pq apenas falta media liga. De igual manera, las vitaminas les han durado para humillar a algunos de los mejores equipos de Europa...
@lumacreas Ай бұрын
@@zaikkiaz3113 😭
@k4minante Ай бұрын
XD interesante 🤔
@ramontorrijosmartinez Ай бұрын
Tremendo trabajo defensivo del Getafe, no pasó ni el viento.
@Paul-t5d1x Ай бұрын
Jajajajajajaja esta liga representa mucho lo que es el propio pais, una vergüenza.
@donovanhernandez6740 Ай бұрын
@@ramontorrijosmartinez perder tiempo desde el minuto 1 y no dejar que por lo menos la pelota ruede eso no tiene nada que ver con defender bien
@tonybone1368 Ай бұрын
equipo mediocre que no juega a nada solo se dedica a defender con los 11 atrás y no propone nada! El Getafe es el equipo más antifutbol que existe! lo bueno es que ya pronto van estar en segunda donde merecen estar! 😌
@asten8002 Ай бұрын
@@tonybone1368 ahora dilo sin llorar
@user-jesucristiano Ай бұрын
​@@tonybone1368Cuando ganáis sois los mejores del mundo y cuando ponéis cualquier excusa desmeritando al rival
@takedatt5673 Ай бұрын
Barcelona in other competitions: 🗿💪 Barça in Laliga: 😴😴
@visca7 Ай бұрын
Mal anàlisi, més aviat sería el barça contra equips que Posen L’autobús
@oto8794 Ай бұрын
In other competitions the teams play for a next round o for 3 points in ucl, in La liga the teams facing Barca only play defending an searching a draw all the time
@amandas.311 Ай бұрын
Barcelona vs Madrid*: 🗿💪
@ElTioJimXxx Ай бұрын
​@@visca7 😅😅😅😅 𝗹𝗮 𝗟𝗶𝗴𝗮 𝘀𝗲 𝗴𝗮𝗻𝗮 𝗰𝗼𝗻 𝗲𝗹 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗼𝗯𝘂́𝘀 𝘆 𝗰𝗼𝗻 𝗹𝗼𝘀 𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶 𝘁𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘀
@DanteXXXXX Ай бұрын
En champions 10 años haciendo el ridículo.
@FootballIQchallenge-i5u Ай бұрын
Atletico and Barcelona drop crucial points! 😱 Will the race stay intense or is it over for Real Madrid?
@mattydagoat123 Ай бұрын
@@FootballIQchallenge-i5u icl the race will stay intense for a long time Ай бұрын
I think it's clearly, Real Madrid will win.
@SolarGalaxy-ty1zj Ай бұрын
Really is it over for Real madrid
@SolarGalaxy-ty1zj Ай бұрын
Ofc real Madrid taking first place tomorrow
@felder5201 Ай бұрын
ChatGPT ass comment
@DEATHFLOWERdrummer Ай бұрын
Thank you Getafe! Thank you Leganes!
@hotchocolatewithginger9143 Ай бұрын
Thank you las palmas tomorrow
@jeba4341 Ай бұрын
* thank you referee! *
@harshiljuneja7731 Ай бұрын
@harshiljuneja7731 Ай бұрын
@@hotchocolatewithginger9143u wish
@rachirajendra4639 Ай бұрын
Hala Madrid
@jonatantarifa1916 Ай бұрын
El Atlético ha perdido y el Barça ha empatado en el mismo día, esto sí que es fútbol champagne!
@Srpuzkdeu Ай бұрын
Real Madrid🎆🍾
@umoyofarms3594 Ай бұрын
Real Madrid will lose
@davidjassielcortesavalos8690 Ай бұрын
@grg1979 Ай бұрын
Futbol Champin
@antoniolinares-xd2ep Ай бұрын
@@umoyofarms3594 perderá? Jajajaja cuanto perderá? Ya viste como qedo el Madrid jajajaja mediocre jajaja envidioso
@juanmanuelmejiarico1827 Ай бұрын
@carlosandressarmiento6290 Ай бұрын
@@juanmanuelmejiarico1827 5-2😹
@TenTempeh Ай бұрын
Hay eras que no cambian y la era MADRID ROBANDO parece que no está por llegar a su fin. En cambio la era manita del barça al madrid es cíclica
@charlasdefutbolscouting Ай бұрын
Koundé hoy es uno de los laterales derechos con mejor disempeño en el fútbol mundial. Ha progresado mucho.
@bptims Ай бұрын
Wow what a game from Getafe, I almost threw up
@IftikharKhanRM Ай бұрын
Getafe's defense was a master class today. 🔥👏
@КанатулыЖанторе Ай бұрын
ref decisions were master class and totally fair. And Getafe players deserve Oscar. Then Ballon Dor EDIT: FUCKING SARCASM
@محمدجاسم-ث2ف6ن Ай бұрын
@@IftikharKhanRM 🔥🔥
@@IftikharKhanRM Getafe‘s Unsportsmanlike was a master class today. 🔥👏
@gojoiscool2184 Ай бұрын
Can we get getafe relegated ? Fun fact getafe won a game with these stats: 15% possession 1 goal 2 red cards AGAINST A TEAM 2 DIVISIONS BELOW THEM They are the definition of unsportsmanlike, they don't play football. Yall didn't watch the game, all they did was clear that not defence.
@EdhoMubarok Ай бұрын
Permainan yg TDK ada perlawanan ketakutan membuat Getafe bertahan 10 bek.😂
@TamosJuntos-fz2gz Ай бұрын
Barcelona já esta satisfeito no título da copa da Espanha mais ja qui e o maior time da Espanha eles vão atraz de mais títulos
@plc20100 Ай бұрын
Lo estoy disfrutando!
@DoriaLopez-r6l Ай бұрын
Como el 5-2
@oscar.f6953 Ай бұрын
@@DoriaLopez-r6l esa es vuestra champions particular de todos los años, ganarle al menos un partido al madrid. Enhorabuena este año ya teneis 2 champions, ahora como siempre vuelta a la realidad, a comprarse camisetas de todos los equipos de europa que jueguen contra el madrid y a rezar para que pierda 🤣
@marialuque2948 Ай бұрын
@oscar.f6953 ganar le llamas poneros a 4 patas ?
@oscar.f6953 Ай бұрын
@@marialuque2948 Se nota que sabes de que va el tema. Así os habéis pasado vosotros la última década. Pero eh, ahora a disfrutar de la nueva era os lo merecéis 🥳
@plc20100 Ай бұрын
@@DoriaLopez-r6l Como 15 Champions, p*ta català!
@Benjamins456-v Ай бұрын
Pov: Barca 1-1 Getafe. Barca: Vardrid will pay for this.
@desciao Ай бұрын
0:27 olha o menino aprontando lá do outro lado do campo hehe esse garoto é magistral!
@LN-LyricsNando Ай бұрын
?? but if Balde always plays in that position, but if you say it by lamine, he was only standing on his band
@ScorerTV-2024 Ай бұрын
Good game, Gatafe🎉
@mariosantana297 Ай бұрын
El Barça tiene un equipo muy ofensivo y los demás equipos están encontrando la manera de contrarrestarlo, replegándose hacia atrás como unas ratas hasta que piten el final del partido También es responsabilidad del Barcelona encontrar la manera de superar ese estilo de juego. Esperemos que Flick encuentre la manera
@franciscofranciscofrancisc5989 Ай бұрын
Bueno le han colado un gol ...pierden con Leganés, Las para hacérselo mirar
@ydragonj8 Ай бұрын
@mohamedelkadi3517 Ай бұрын
أحبك يابرشلونة❤
@AnonymousPenguin-lf5xy Ай бұрын
The one and only team in Spain that plays wrestling and swimming instead of football 😂😂😂
@fabianfalconbrindis1809 Ай бұрын
@ytrokibalboa6405 Ай бұрын
​@@AnonymousPenguin-lf5xy i thought diving was barcas thing lololol
@Mítmít-j9s Ай бұрын
F.b 6.8 nơi giải trí và niềm vui không bao giờ ngừng
@heriberbagi029 Ай бұрын
Thanks Getafe
@majestydiamond2058 Ай бұрын
So Baldé didn't get a red card ♦️ on the slap he gave too Getafe player even when the player didn't touch him 🤔 But Vinicius gething a red for the retaliation when Valencia goalie's pushed him wow 😲😮
@KGF19208 Ай бұрын
Thank you Getafe for saving us from the noise of Barcelona
@theclownthathidefromgaypeople Ай бұрын
@@KGF19208 5-2
@ernstsaraoz1338 Ай бұрын
5 - 2
@soulmortal760 Ай бұрын
15-5 😂
@ernstsaraoz1338 Ай бұрын
@@soulmortal760 in your ass
@SnelDaily Ай бұрын
Vamos Getafe🎉😂😂
@bizzyfootgirl Ай бұрын
C'est dur pour Barcelone , Maintenant le Réal Madrid peu être 1er demain en Liga
@ajsanto2010 Ай бұрын
Um time com elenco milionário como o Barça, não pode empatar com o modesto Getafe.....Deprimente
@noirapg8272 Ай бұрын
Brazil 🙉🙉🙉
@nikoo149 Ай бұрын
Barca is a small team
@noirapg8272 Ай бұрын
@@nikoo149 like any Brazilian team
@joseecheverri3867 Ай бұрын
Empeeezoo la nueva eraaa 🤪🤪🤪
@Defeated2517 Ай бұрын
Barca is back on track
@Diego-o5b9v Ай бұрын
Grandes cosas pueden pasarle a quien cree en Dios. Yo me deprimí porque tenía una deuda de más de 12.000, pero para gloria de Dios, saldé mi deuda y sigo generando dinero para mí y mi familia. Dios bendiga a la señora RITA S DIANA, Dios la ha usado para cambiar muchas vidas.🇪🇸✌️
@MayaSofía-z8s Ай бұрын
Esto suena muy bien y me gustaría ser parte en esto. Hay alguna manera de hablar con ella?
@Diego-o5b9v Ай бұрын
En WhatsApp👎🏻👎🏻
@Diego-o5b9v Ай бұрын
@Diego-o5b9v Ай бұрын
@Diego-o5b9v Ай бұрын
@Ersultan-hg3om Ай бұрын
Getafe is concrete, you need a perforator like Real Madrid to break it up, not a drill like Barcelona
@ChukwumaBright-r6k Ай бұрын
Results going our way 😂I hope we capitalize on it and best las Palmas today
@amisha2901 Ай бұрын
In ur dreams....
@coskunaral8621 Ай бұрын
@@ChukwumaBright-r6k hadi ordan kralcı hala barça!!
@fspereira212 Ай бұрын
Impressionante! Getafe dando aula ao real Madrid de como se joga contra os culés.
@renilsoduartemaciel2264 Ай бұрын
Jogo bom ,Barcelona não poderia perder este jogo não vejo nada de mais em empatar mas deveria arriscar mais por pontos importantes
@Official_krizzy_mani Ай бұрын
In Las Pamas We Trust🤲🏽 … Visca Barca
@JxnnvsG312 Ай бұрын
@AlvaroAguilarDiaz Ай бұрын
@@JxnnvsG312 uhssssss. Q ardido estás demassss
@mariomejia3675 Ай бұрын
@melvingonzalez6797 Ай бұрын
Y ahí esta el peor microbio., el que se llama microbiolamin😂😂😂😂
@green_beret8567 Ай бұрын
@fabianfalconbrindis1809 Ай бұрын
Ya había visto a los Madridistas celebrando victorias ajenas... pero un Madridista celebrando un empate ajeno? LO CAMBIA TODO 🤯
@nicofishyl2r2 Ай бұрын
@thelordofdrinks5170 Ай бұрын
Barca fans in October: "La Liga is already over, we won." Stay humble lmao.
@lupak99 Ай бұрын
Nobody said such think in october, don't be silly kid. Stop beggin for attention!
@kailasnath2908 Ай бұрын
Well yall still got clattered by a not so humble team😹
@Paganinho Ай бұрын
@@kailasnath2908 Barca history: "We beat Madrid sometimes"
@aljydjjr4896 Ай бұрын
Nowadays raphinha is missing huge chances He is scoring goals but his goal conversion rate are bad
@Wafle-v Ай бұрын
El superbarcelona ha vuelto, a vuelto a perder puntos y regalar la liga al madrid😂😂😂
@YankeeGunn Ай бұрын
They destroyed you with 9 goals in 2 games , wait the end saison to laugh more😂
@MiguelRodriguez-kp6ty Ай бұрын
Partido disputado en Getafe.1-1 quedaron con goles de Arambarri para el Getafe y Kounde para el Barcelona.💙💙💙💙🤝💙❤️💙❤️.Saludos desde Vallecas.
@ilham15_ Ай бұрын
Barca mentalities : we can lost or draw but not with real madrid 😂
@hkmalik6339 Ай бұрын
Barcelona pour cold water on us , with a big hope 😢😢
@troche4259 Ай бұрын
Пишут настолько хорошо сыграла защита Хетафе в этом матче. Согласен, настолько хорошо что судья решил не ставить чистейший пенальти в их ворота, видимо это была награда за то что они хорошо обороняются.
@MrKayMedia Ай бұрын
Just when you thought Barcelona are back to contend for the title, they only prove that they have come specifically to beat Madrid this season and nothing more. A cheek of it 😒
@glzini1159 Ай бұрын
Getafe 😂 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽🎉
@prxncejeth6676 Ай бұрын
Managing to beat my team(Madrid) 5 but struggling to beat a smaller team(no offense to Gatafe, great team) says a lot. When my team(Madrid) win the league title, that 5 won't even matter.
@nicholasrigby6401 Ай бұрын
Please can we not put the score everywhere in the highlights? I would like to watch the game and predict the score.
@Jingoist12 Ай бұрын
@@nicholasrigby6401 beggar cant be chooser
@TheGronthor Ай бұрын
You should watch the game then , live
@DavidMuriuki-en7jw Ай бұрын
Barcelona trained to beat real Madrid in preseason. They're hammering real everytime and not getting results with everyone else.
@adrosi_13 Ай бұрын
Tranquilos vamos a ganar la Liga 🔵🔴👏👏falta bastantes puntos.
@fifamobileprocreatorsub Ай бұрын
@Only1Raphael Ай бұрын
@zulu-k2r Ай бұрын
I was thrilled to see that 😂😂😂
@kounic89 Ай бұрын
There are two ways to referee in Spain: it takes more than other teams to get a penalty, we always wait until the 80th minute to get out the yellow cards that will calm the toxic players. The extra time is always lighter when Barca lose and longer when they win. I'm not even talking about the VAR that only exists when it wants to cancel a goal for Barca's non-existent offside, or when Koundé touches a foot. Anyway, I have too many examples in mind and it's getting worse and worse every season. I swear, it's serious. This year it's really too blatant. La Liga, we see you.
@richardraffai5866 Ай бұрын
Balde should have been sent off. When vini behaves the way he did, everyone goes crazy how he should have been given 2 red cards
@kounic89 Ай бұрын
@richardraffai5866 for a little bitter caress 500 provocation? a the referees to put yellows earlier to toxic players
@richardraffai5866 Ай бұрын
@@kounic89 then vinis opponents would get more yellows too. But there are no rules about talking to your opponent, so balde still should have been sent off. If a barca player is not acting nice, then new rules should be made tondefend them, otherwise the refs are bought by real madrid i guess
@ademolaolawale2924 Ай бұрын
That blade dribble 😮
@Ilias-z1j Ай бұрын
good game ❤
@gojoiscool2184 Ай бұрын
No, all getafe did was clear the ball and time waste, boring ass game
@ToifyFy Ай бұрын
From the beginning i was predicting that the inconsistent of Barcelona could be big issue and impossible for Spanish title however this team still needed process with the youthful in squad altough be able to compate in high level with other teams as like as this season
@haelui5469 Ай бұрын
Barcelona in other torunaments: 💀💀🗿🗿 Barcelona in la liga: 🤡🤡👻👻
@maraulietmedinafuentes6120 Ай бұрын
Barcelona in Champions league: 🥱🥱🤡🤡😭😭
@Joel-z2e Ай бұрын
Barcelona vs Real Madrid : 💀💀🗿🗿
@DevendraSingh-wg2jn Ай бұрын
@maraulietmedinafuentes6120 they are 2nd and real madrid 20
@snpro21 Ай бұрын
@@DevendraSingh-wg2jn there is still knockout home away and semi final and final. u think current ucl is only based on League? LOLLL
@Prateek-dw4ng Ай бұрын
@@DevendraSingh-wg2jn UCL is knockout based go learn some rules
@marcoshernandez7412 Ай бұрын
El Getafe es la excelente inversión ya que con pocos recursos da muchas ganancias al real madrid😏
@NishanNaser Ай бұрын
Madrid fans love you getafe
@azharmulop7267 Ай бұрын
Robin Hood of Spain does it againn🎉
@luisren118 Ай бұрын
varmadril wil win tomorrow.
@masterpiece2023-s2t Ай бұрын
Kounde score is amazing 🤩🤩🤩😂
@SDGRTX1455 Ай бұрын
No Negreira No party 🤣🙏🏻
@Shinra_tensei_4 Ай бұрын
Exactly 😂😂
@resident_of_earth Ай бұрын
@resident_of_earth Ай бұрын
Balde wasn't sent off, after all. Today's result still says something...
@SDGRTX1455 Ай бұрын
@@resident_of_earth they are still helping Barcelona. Even Olmo is on the pitch. The whole club is corrupted and la liga too
@fabianfalconbrindis1809 Ай бұрын
Ok but don't cry
@gabrielsegura2103 Ай бұрын
Esto es fútbol papá
@ankshu3482 Ай бұрын
Getafe Deserves Relegation
@moiseslabrador1257 Ай бұрын
En liga no hay nada que hacer,no le van a dejar al barça sumar de 3 en 3,es increible
@poudelsumesh2050 Ай бұрын
Thank you getafe
@caldo4117 Ай бұрын
Increible que no pitan el penal clarisimo a Kounde, pero bueno penal para el madrid!!
@Footxedits0710 Ай бұрын
And barca fans were talking abt treble 😂😂
@gojoiscool2184 Ай бұрын
And yall were talking about domination 😂
@arijitroy8290 Ай бұрын
How many treble nd sextuple real have won??
@shabirosmani667 Ай бұрын
15 UCL
@gojoiscool2184 Ай бұрын
@@shabirosmani667 treble and 6 tuple. Id rathee support passion fc than glory hunter fc
@TheGronthor Ай бұрын
​@@gojoiscool2184 negreira case comes from pure passion for football , or you think passion fc dont pay and play for trophies? How olmo can play if they couldnt pay ? Passion is excuse for crime ?
@bobayko Ай бұрын
its a torturing to watch Barca in La Liga!
@JxnnvsG312 Ай бұрын
@reddevils7108 Ай бұрын
Barça in October..."we are the champions...🎵🏆😂
@IsaíasMendoza-e3n Ай бұрын
La atajada del portero del Getafe es monumental 😮
@coachtorodo1240 Ай бұрын
Barça ne se concentre que pour gagner Real. Il laisse les autres équipes le battre ou même faire un match nul. C'est dommage !
@oru151277 Ай бұрын
Balde, Agresión. Roja
@resident_of_earth Ай бұрын
@darionova5984 Ай бұрын
+ 10 años de prision y despues silla electrica
@TheGronthor Ай бұрын
​@darionova5984 minimum
@DarkerSenpai Ай бұрын
@facts2676 Ай бұрын
Este comentario deja aún peor al madrid
@ootbalia Ай бұрын
real madrid fans now 😂😂😂
@LanaHunter-m3k Ай бұрын
As a Madrid dan i can laugh now after a long week i can't believe both atm and barca drop point 😂
@AjStyles.14 Ай бұрын
Eso es lo lindo del Fútbol, no tiene lógica, cualquiera pensaría que hoy, golearía el Barcelona, al menos yo, si lo pensé, pero que bien el Getafe. Saludos a todos.
@DanteXXXXX Ай бұрын
Golearia?? jajjaja el barsa es un equipo que va a la deriba, igual mete 5 o que pierde 24 puntos en 10 jornadas
@AjStyles.14 Ай бұрын
@ Di mi punto de vista, si a vos no te parece?, lo lamento.
@esfericos1990 Ай бұрын
poco de fuutbol sabes al menos del español , Getafe siempre es un dolor de muelas.
@marialuque2948 Ай бұрын
@@DanteXXXXXjajajaaja tu Madrid número 24 en champiñones 😂 galácticos
@DanteXXXXX Ай бұрын
@ ? Se suponía que debía ser gracioso? Ahhh okokkk mañana a +7
@eL--RaL Ай бұрын
Getafe is the definition of pure anti-football.. Absolute disgrace of a club..I wish they get relegated to 5th division
@axstins Ай бұрын
​@@GAMINGWITHHINT he js explained why
@sandiledladla4036 Ай бұрын
Hala Madrid 😂😂😂
@RK-8-29 Ай бұрын
Getafe and leganes saved football
@mohduk4 Ай бұрын
Cry harder bro
@hugewolf9455 Ай бұрын
teams like Getafe are killing football. Nothing more to add.
@nott.54 Ай бұрын
We Madrid fans really appreciate Getafe's hard work. Thank you Getafe FC😅
@DoriaLopez-r6l Ай бұрын
Y gual con milan y liverpool y lille
@pabloernestogarciagandara1249 Ай бұрын
A lo largo de esta temporada el Barça ha tenido picos de fútbol muy elevados, además de que contra los grandes siempre responde. Parece ser que a los jugadores se les hace poca cosa jugar contra equipos medianos o pequeños y no se esfuerzan. Fútbol se ha demostrado que hay (en mi opinión) parece ser que el problema es una falta de motivación enorme.
@RK-8-29 Ай бұрын
The ref didn't gave balde a clear Red card , getafe would won if he did
@alexocampo7913 Ай бұрын
It´s not a red card. The force is insignificant and it was in the 90´. There was no time to Getafe to win
@RK-8-29 Ай бұрын
@@alexocampo7913 Why not ? Celta scored 2 goals after 5 minutes only
Yeah Balde needs a red card because Getafe is unsportsmanlikly
@TheGronthor Ай бұрын
​@@alexocampo7913force shouldnt matter here , he slap him
@alexocampo7913 Ай бұрын
@@RK-8-29 yes I know (I’m a celta fan) but it would be very difficult
@ksawerytajemnica6027 Ай бұрын
Biggest achievement for getafe this season
@alanwhite3154 Ай бұрын
Laporta, hay que pagar más a Negreira.
@Xuliiiss Ай бұрын
era penalti
@jorge77559 Ай бұрын
@@Xuliiissy expulsión de balde
@tonybone1368 Ай бұрын
No somos el Real Madrid para hacer esas culeradas 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Optimus1470 Ай бұрын
​@@tonybone1368 Esas Culeradas ya las hiciste por 17 años, estas en juicio Todavia Negreira Boy.
@melvingonzalez6797 Ай бұрын
Tu lo has dicho tonybone las culeradas lo hacen los cules😂😂😂😂😂
@AgusEmpu Ай бұрын
Hala madrid❤
@mnmfo7480 Ай бұрын
Visca barca! Visca Catalunya 😝💀🤡🤡
@Srpuzkdeu Ай бұрын
Lamin Yamal: It’s just that Getafe’s team is stronger than Real Madrid.😂😂😂
@maidm2295 Ай бұрын
Clear foul and penalty on Kounde!!! Same foul and penalty awarded to R.Madrid against same opponent (Rudiger against Getafe) Corrupted Federation and Corrupted League. Welcome to La Liga. I HOPE LA LIGA WILL DROP DOWN EVEN MORE. This is disgusting. There is VAR technology, VAR should be used in these kind of situation, when main ref can't clear see situation. But everything with La Liga is disgusting
@RK-8-29 Ай бұрын
The ref he didn't gave balde a clear Red card , getafe would won if he did
@Xatod Ай бұрын
@Sebass26 Ай бұрын
@@maidm2295 so… why u keep watching it then? Always real Madrid’s foult right? Also atlético de Madrid lost today… its real Madrids foult too?
@jacoblozano1787 Ай бұрын
Well maybe if barcelona is good they can have two goals against a low tier team right after a Great showing in the spanish cup. Barca is just not that good to win this season
@TheGronthor Ай бұрын
Clear red on balde but we guess vini and him is not same. There were 3 such throwdowns of rudiger before pen 😂
@0gviral Ай бұрын
0:28 dirty skill 🥵
@franciscofranciscofrancisc5989 Ай бұрын
Como la del CSD? Ni con trampas ganan a un equipo de barrio...
@Suhail687 Ай бұрын
No importa que el balón se tenga en la mano durante mucho tiempo. El Getafe jugó un buen fútbol. Los jugadores y el entrenador tienen mérito por el empate de hoy porque salieron con mucha confianza y consiguieron una gran victoria contra el Real Madrid.
@sentoibanezoltra1349 Ай бұрын
pero como puedes ser tan desgraciado de decir eso, el getafe le falta jugar con bates de beisbol
@gojoiscool2184 Ай бұрын
@gojoiscool2184 Ай бұрын
Can we get getafe relegated ? Fun fact getafe won a game with these stats: 15% possession 1 goal 2 red cards AGAINST A TEAM 2 DIVISIONS BELOW THEM All they did was clear the ball. Only defence, and time wasted. you did not watch the game
@stevespr7737 Ай бұрын
No tienes idea de cómo voy a celebrar su descenso
@hectorhyat2669 Ай бұрын
Thats working better the defense
@karimchch6276 Ай бұрын
Esta semana había mucho ruido y ahora vuelven a llorar
@Adrian-zi3uf Ай бұрын
Mi pana esquizo hablando de llantos en un video resumen del barsa:
@legaljusto5946 Ай бұрын
Nadie flora pero los atracos en intercontinental supercop españa y Copa del rey del madrid han sido repugnantes
@thurun10 Ай бұрын
@@legaljusto5946 Y de los metoritos, los volcanes, los huracanes, la Inquisicion, la matanza de ballenas, el hambre.... Los desbarios de un Negreiras no tienen fin. Rpugnantes sois todos los antis que solo teneis relato para justificar que sois unos segundones
@AlfonsoMeneses-l8w Ай бұрын
Volviendo a su realidad
@carlosjaviersanchezvalverd4095 Ай бұрын
Tremendo partido del Getafe para perder aficionados al fútbol.Gran trabajo del trenzilla penalti claro a Kounde que se hizo el sueco . Blanco y en botella Mafia blanca
@jaasielnolascoart7019 Ай бұрын
Pero si fallaron varias los jugadores del Barca y ahora por un penal no pitado es culpa del Madrid?
@ifti050Edits Ай бұрын
Thank you getafe for saving the world from noise pollution😂
@zsombi1758 Ай бұрын
These laliga refs are still jokes... Every single barca match there is some horrible referee decision. Not giving yellows, not giving fouls, not giving CLEAR penalties that are given to a club I dont want to mention by name. Absolute disgrace...
@luisy.gonzalez6469 Ай бұрын
Negreira is laughing his ass to the bank!
@Женьок94 Ай бұрын
И не давать красной Бальде, но давать Винисиусу
@Shinra_tensei_4 Ай бұрын
So call Negreira 😂😂
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